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Sex related issues

Sexual difficulties can occur at any time, especially during times of stress and change. If sex used to be exciting but no longer seems so, therapy can help you look at why the change happened. In a good relationship, getting help should give you an opportunity to find some answers.

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse is when you are pressured to do something sexual against your will. It can include unwanted touching, photographs or rape. Some people blame themselves and do not report the abuse. Or they may have been influenced to trust the abuser or feel they will be punished for reporting it. Childhood abuse is not always addressed until sexual problems emerge in adulthood.

Why choose us?

We are a team who are highly experienced and qualified in psychology, counselling/psychotherapy, supervision, personal and professional growth training, and psycho-education. We offer the best quality services through evidence-based practice and treatment at a reasonable price. We highly value and respect our clients. We provide unconditional positive regard to our clients. Confidentiality is central to our code of ethics.

Confidentiality is central to our code of ethics